Institut Teresa Pàmies

Our high school is a state school in the centre of Barcelona, near the Sagrada Família. Our CSE students do Technology and Physics and Chemistry in English and we are doing some optional subjects like French as a SFL. In addition, our students take some projects such as Theatre in English, Sustainable homes, creating book trailers among others. We also have a Welcoming class for students who have just arrived to our high school as well as a SIEI, which is an intensive support for inclusive education and plans for individual support.

We believe in sustainability so that is why we are taking part in a program called Escoles +sostenibles, which is a local program for schools in Barcelona city that promotes sustainability. There is also an association of families of our students who promotes some activities such as Robotics. We combine digital and virtual work together with outdoor learning and different trips and exchanges with other High Schools in France. We carry out a Cultural Week to deal with different social topics where our students exchange activities and knowledge with other levels.

We would like to work to get our students emotionally involved in Social Issues and to help them become competent digital citizens.

As we have previously mentioned, our students are becoming aware of the need of a change due to the Climate Emergency. We would like to get profit from this social tendency towards helping the planet. During our last Cultural Week, which is done in English, we have devoted most of the activities to the Environment and our students and families have shown great motivation and interest on this topic. Furthermore, Barcelona is a city concerned about sustainability and climate change and different projects and some changes are carried out to improve our city so as to become eco-friendly. That is why we consider this project key for the development of Social and citizen competence of our students.

It’s our first time with Erasmus + but we have some experience with working with other projects. We are working with a French Secondary School on Etwinning, we are doing an Exchange programme in France and we have participated in social and learning English programmes.  Teachers who are interested in manning the project are: Sofia Carrillo, the coordinator of the Erasmus+ program; Alicia Rivero, teacher of foreign languages and implementation responsible; Mireia Tenza, mobilities’ logistics; Gerard Segura and Tomàs San Juan, project dissemination responsible; Jose Luis Sansón – Secretary’s teacher (Principal-teachers team); Rosa Martorell and Carles Vilallonga, Science teachers, implementation and evaluation responsibles. Colleagues from all departments will also participate in the project to ensure its successful implementation.


Twitter: @INSTPamies

Instagram: instpamies