dissemination after the meetings

We provide opportunities to succeed

The main target groups of the dissemination within the partnership were: students, parents, teachers, school management. The dissemination to students took place after each exchange through presentations of participants delivered to them, through posts on social media and informal discussions. 

Teachers were informed about the project through staff meetings, social media posts and through communication groups used by each school. We organised meetings with parents before exchanges in which we informed them about the project, but also after exchanges. They were also informed about the project through social media groups of the schools or project spaces created in the schools. 

The principals of the school attended teachers’ meetings and there were also separate debriefing meetings after each exchange. To make the project visible in our local communities, we published written materials such as articles in the local media and school newspapers, posts on school websites, published the reports of the exchanges on the project website. Some partners also had interviews taken by local TV stations and radio. 

An intensive dissemination strategy was implemented once the final outputs had been published on the website. We have shared the project results with our school colleagues and other teachers in our networks of Erasmus+ schools. We have also uploaded the results on EPRP and links to them on eTwinning.