outdoor activities in Bacau

Guided tour in the city of Bacau

Visit to the phosphogyps dump and the Installation of sorting, transportation and composting waste in Onești

In the second part of the day, the participants visited the phosphogypsum (PG) dump (radioactive industrial waste) but also the composting station from Onești, a municipality of our county.

Visit the industrial and medical waste incineration plant (Iasi)

we visited the factory for the incineration of medical waste from Iași. This type of waste has a special regime, and its storage requires specific conditions. Students were given explanations regarding medical waste specifics, the factory circuit, the ways of collection, storage, and destruction

Visiting Iasi

The Palace of Culture, Trei Ierarhi Monastery

In the afternoon of the 3rd day we visited the city of Iasi: the pedestrian with the Metropolitan Church and the Church of the Three Hierarchs, the House of Dosoftei and the Palace of Culture with its museums, an emblematic building of the city.

Planting and clean-up campaign; visiting the special protected area Bacău Lake

One of the aims of the planting campaign was to realise how poor waste management in protected areas affects aquatic ecosystems. Along with the issue of waste, participants also learned aspects related to the management of protected areas.

The protected area Lake Bacău II, Natura 2000 site, was visited, where participants planted poplar and willow seedlings. Students were told about the Natura 2000 Site, about the protected species, about its importance at local and European level